What does “intuition” mean to you?
I feel that intuition is the essence of stillness within us that is inextricable from the intelligence of nature and the cosmos. It’s not masculine or feminine, and it’s not mind or heart. It’s the marriage of them all. It’s this space of unity which holds the divine memory of our worth, beauty, and power beyond our physical form. When we remember this, and act from this, we trust ourselves to make the most compassionate and creative choices for our lives that we’re able to in that moment.
Ultimately, I feel that when we talk about tapping into our intuition or following our intuition, we’re really tapping into this one universal consciousness which radiates through everything and reminds us of what really matters. I guess I see intuition as God consciousness…that space where everything is already written and all we have to do is become humble enough to listen.
What is your favorite way to connect with the natural world?
To practice just witnessing when I’m anywhere outdoors! My relationship to the natural world around me has gone so much deeper since I started practicing just witnessing the patterns, textures, temperatures, colors and beauty of earth without needing to label them or decide how I feel about them. I try to just notice without judgement, and that helps me feel so present and alive!
You recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. How would you describe your journey as an intuitive mother so far?
Oh man, there is so much parenting info out there. There’s been so many times when I wish I hadn’t googled whatever question I had, because it either elevated my anxiety or confused me even more.
So, I’ve found that simply trusting and following my own instincts about what my baby and I need is the very best thing I can do for us. And whenever I have questions or am confused, I’ve found it helpful to go to either my own mom, my midwife, or other mama friends before going to Google or books. It’s been amazing to realize that I have this innate knowing of how to handle and care for my baby even though I’ve spent very little time around babies, and especially not around newborns!
I was very picky about what I read while pregnant…I only combed through a handful of books that really resonated and encouraged what I already intuitively felt. Being pregnant was such an introverted, sensitive time! I found myself naturally disassociating from media for a while and really depending on my midwife’s wisdom and my own body’s undeniable experiences as my guides. It was refreshing to just allow myself to follow my body’s callings without judging them, because my body took on this whole new purpose that wasn’t just about me anymore.
I’d never been so in love with and faithful to my body as I was while pregnant! Since giving birth, a lot of confusing feelings around my body and how to care for it have come up again, so right now it’s a lot about integrating and practicing the same love I had for it while Bridgette was in my womb. Because my body is still hers!
I’d urge every woman to first seek out advice and direction from wise women in their lives that they love. Also, to pay close attention to their own unique feelings and experiences before consulting Google or any parenting book!
How do you balance self-care with the love you give to others—such as through motherhood and your relationship with Evan?
It’s definitely changed nowadays! I have very little time to “myself” and I’m never alone anymore. It’s funny how I now see single women so differently...I’m just like: my god, you have no idea how much free time you have!
I now find that my self-care is centered around learning to carve space for myself in any moment to be more present, to breathe deeper, to slow down in whatever way I’m able. I can best care for myself now by simply acknowledging that my actions are still exciting and healing even without a bubble bath or quiet morning routine.
My self-care is finding peace within chaos, and that always feels really sweet.
Do you have any advice for women who are re-learning how to listen to their bodies?
Your undeniable experience is your guru and your guide! Sure, allow yourself to be inspired by what someone else is doing or what their experience has been, but don’t ever ever ever confuse that with your own.
Keep coming back to yourself and the real experience you’re having. Take all the health and wellness stuff you see with a grain of salt. And do not ever judge yourself for needing to experiment with finding what works for you. What our bodies require for nourishment and healing changes constantly over time with different seasons and phases of life.
What I need as a breastfeeding mama is going to be different than what someone else may need while trying to, say, detoxify their skin. Stop judging. Stay soft. Keep listening.
What reminds you most strongly to be present?
The wonder radiating from my baby’s eyes.
What has felt most challenging about your spiritual growth so far?
Deconstructing the beliefs I was indoctrinated into growing up and learning to own my darkness without fear of that making me unworthy.
What has been your biggest breakthrough?
At a particular point in high school, I picked up some really heavy issues around my worth. I’ve watched how carrying this has manifested in my body in painful ways over the years. I recently had a massive realization about where these issues were stemming from. That was fucking huge. Since seeing that, I will never be the same. I’ve never felt so free.
You have released two beautiful e-books on intuitive living, as well as multiple natural self-care and beauty products so far! Are you creating anything right now?
Yes! We’re working on some really yummy new products for Moon &
Rock. Also, we’re always working on little video projects for our YouTube channel.
Picture your future self, five years from now. Who is she? What unfolds for her?
Her softness is fierce, and her humility is her healing. Her vibrancy is a result of her fearless ability to face herself. Her creations are abundant for her family because they stem from the inspiration and persistence of her being. She is present and strong.
What is your definition of a Wylde Woman?
To me, the Wylde Woman is the unapologetic essence of ancient beauty within every woman. Regardless of how she's been worn down, what society implants in her beliefs, she is unchanged, present, and accessible in every experience. Her greatest inspiration is her relationship with mama earth. She returns to the simple and raw intelligence of the plants when the weight she carries becomes too much. She gives without expectation, she receives in gratitude, and she works in humility and joy. The Wylde Woman is the memory of creation.