Where do you come from? How has that impacted your journey so far?
I was born in the middle of a thunderstorm in a small town called Mullumbimby. We spent the majority of my childhood and teenage years in Byron Bay, but would travel bi-annually around the world for my parents work. It was this experience of moving from such a small, environmentally-minded and socially aware town, into giant cities, that gave me a powerful desire to help preserve the sacred natural places of our earth.
Where is your favourite place to spend your time?
My family property in Byron Bay. I also adore Japan, Europe, California, New York and anywhere with a big giant waterfall in the middle of a rainforest. If the space beyond the conscious mind could be considered a physical place, I would say that’s my favourite spot, but it’s definitely sometimes not so easy to get to.
As an actress and musician, how do you balance work with your holistic life?
I meditate twice a day, every day. I also re-energize by using my reiki practice. I eat really well and try to ensure my own cup remains filled, before I fill anyone else’s. This has always been a big lesson for me! If I’m shooting in a city, I make sure to go out and get my bare feet into the earth in a park or forest somewhere close by... or hug a tree. I also have the pleasure of doing what I deeply love. I enjoy the challenge of allowing for full vulnerability - so my job never feels like work.
Do you have a ritual for creativity & inspiration?
Yes, I drop in to silence, usually through meditation or breath work, sometimes physical exertion, and I use that energy to dive deeply into a creative space. Most often I am captured by an idea and have to run to make sure I catch it before it disappears into the ether again! I also have been practicing The Artist’s Way, which really helps to get my juices flowing… I believe plant medicines used with a clear intention are a sacred practice to unlock creativity too.
What has been your biggest lesson?
Self love. Let me say it for the people at the back: LOVE YOURSELF! Our society makes us believe we are not worthy of our own love, and must continuously pour it out for everyone but ourselves. I’m here to tell you that if you don’t love yourself, literally nothing else can happen for you. It’s the first and most important step on this incredible journey called LIFE. I feel it’s brought colour to a world that was previously black and white.
Who do you look up to?
My mother. David Attenborough. Buddha. Maya Angelou. My incredible friends - I have exceptionally glorious and talented men and women in my life.
If you could invite anyone over to dinner, who would it be and why?
Ooooo can I invite a few people? Alan Watts for his philosophies, William Shakespeare for his understanding of what it is to be human, Jung for his esoteric concepts on the human psyche, Queen Elizabeth for her intellect and power, Mary Magdalene because she seemslike a fun chick. Jane Goodall, Diane Fossey, Margaret Murie for their ability to change the way we see the natural world and help set up important foundations to protect it for future generations.
What are your hopes for the rest of the year and what would you like to share with the world?
I am looking at completing the first season of my documentary series, “Refugia”, recording my first ever album and releasing it out into the world (finally). I am really looking forward to the release of the second season of Britannia! There are a few other surprises in there I can’t say yet but mostly I want to look back at this year and know that I gave my absolute best to reach my deepest potential and that the things I have spent time working on will truly help our planet.
What would be your advice to women?
You are already everything you need to be. You, my sister, are a divine and wonderful vessel of life on planet earth. Stay in your power. Know your worth. Strengthen the sisterhood... and also acknowledge that men have a sacred place beside us and are not the enemy. Collective hate is one of the best ways to make a movement crumple. We need to invite change so great that we no longer have to have a pendulum of power swinging back and forth between groups of belief systems. The time has come now for a global healing of trauma to take place, so we can remember ONENESS and evolve into the next era of symbiotic humanity on planet earth!
What is your definition of a WYLDE WOMAN?
A sister who is WILD AND FREE UNAPOLOGETICALLY. Who isn’t afraid of the power between her thighs, or within her heart and mind. She knows how to wield her magic with honour, power and grace. A woman who can get her feet and fingers dirty but still feel like a lady. A woman who listens to the growl of her truest self and answers with a howl!