What are you most grateful for right now?
Mm, wow, so many things. I’m setting off on a 6-month adventure soon, so change has been a major theme present for me lately. I’ve been feeling immense gratitude for the ability to change, for the wonders and unknowns that change carries with it, and for the limitless possibilities that change holds.
I’m relearning a lot about our ability to make change easy, effortless, and fun, by releasing our habitual need to control. I’ve noticed we often become rigid in times of great change because we want to cling to what we can that will be the same and things we have come to identify with.
Whether it be a material item, a person, or a place, change challenges our conditioned sense of identity. It teaches us so much. As things change and the familiar begins to be stripped away, it opens up an incredible container to choose. I’ve never been afraid of change, some may even say I like it too much.
Through change we get to become the witness, we get to practice the art of surrender and trust. Change, whether perceived as good or bad (at the time) has always birthed me into a more expanded way of being, a wider perspective.
So yeah, change. I am damn grateful for it.
You recently started offering personal guidance sessions to assist others with inner alignment and self-empowerment. What inspired you to begin offering this service?
My inspiration and intention behind holding space for personal sessions flows from my own experiences of the power of expansive, authentic conversation.
I have felt the openings, shifts, and epiphanies that occur while being in this space, and it is my desire to expand the accessibility of this potent work beyond the borders of my personal life!
Do you have a favorite morning ritual?
Yes, yes, yes! I know we hear it everywhere, but rituals are golden, people!
I really value my morning time. It really helps to ground and clear my mind and energy for the day, especially because I’m not necessarily a morning person. I schedule out my day so that I have at least an hour of free time in the morning. This usually flows with my schedule, but even on days when I need to be out the door extra early, I give myself that hour to center.
My partner is a morning person and is usually up before me, so I wake up when he gets out of bed around 7 am. We kind of have this unspoken flow now that I’m thinking about it…whoever gets up first will make the coffee, and whoever gets to stay in bed longer has to make the bed. It works out nicely.
I usually take a quick hot shower first thing, just because it really helps to wake me up and I love feeling fresh for the day. Then we will both meditate, usually for around 10 minutes.
By that time the coffee is ready, and I read a book, journal, and pull some oracle cards while drinking my coffee on our deck, watching the sunlight creep over the mountains, melting the frosty dew from the leaves and listening to birds sing their morning songs (this includes a lot of roosters on Kauai!).
This mellow morning time is so potent to staring my day with a calm and clear mind.
What experience has been your greatest teacher?
Sounds cliché, but definitely having my heart broken, straight up. The sudden, blindsiding slash of a new and unwanted reality was the catalyst to a journey of returning wholly, authentically, and truly to myself in a way more intimate than I have ever known in this lifetime.
Everything the experience and the years of healing that followed brought so much to the surface for me to see and transform. The experience delivered me into a fullness and wholeness of being that I didn’t even realize was possible.
I became whole from the shattered pieces of my old identity, held together by the glue of love for myself. Even when this person came back, desiring the opportunity to try again, I was full enough to do what was aligned for me while still holding so much love and compassion for them.
This wholeness delivered me fully into a new perspective—an entirely empowered one.
What is one book you wish everyone would read?
Path to Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak. Even if you just buy it and it sits on your bookshelf, you’ll read that book at the perfect time for you.
What has been your most significant experience with manifestation?
My entire life on Kauai. I decided I was going to move here but had no idea how. I just continued to follow what felt uplifting and good in life, from the smallest decisions to the bigger ones, and here I am over a year later.
Everything fell into place along the way, seemingly effortless yet so precise to everything I had dreamt up for myself. A loving community, a sisterhood of glowing souls, dream houses, experiences, opportunities, and so much more. Every day I wake up humbled, honored, and filled with love for the life I have co-created for myself.
Since you live on Kauai and have access to both: beach or jungle?
Ah, how can you pick?! How about a jungle that lines the beach?
But, if I had to put them in order: beach first. Then a dip in a fresh, cold jungle pool!
How do you stay connected to your center of self?
I do my best to commit and prioritize thoughts and actions that uplift and support my highest self, which often means that I follow the things I know make me feel good.
Those things inspire thoughts and those thoughts inspire actions. It’s a cycle that is effortless while at the same time requires a presence and allowance for whatever is arising…which can sometimes be challenging. That sometimes means choosing the actions that I know will make myself feel good, even if I don’t want to do them in that moment.
Accepting myself as I am fully in each moment, and communicating to myself with thoughts that are compassionate and loving. Not being afraid to be honest with myself and recognizing which belief systems I am functioning from. Allowing them to shift when needed.
What are your biggest goals for this year?
Oh gosh, each month the list continues to excitedly grow!
To inspire others to step into their own self-empowerment. To be an example of the freedom that we have to create in this reality. To continue learning and asking questions. To continue to find balance. To travel to new places and continue to define what unlimited means for me. To go beyond my previous self-perceived limitations. To deepen my relationship with myself and therefore, spirit. To spend more time in a karma yoga program, serving others selflessly. To give back to Gaia and help others know that they can easily do the same. To stay open, always.
And to learn to play a pan drum and sound bowls!
What is your definition of a Wylde Woman?
An enchanting paradox. She’s got big goddess energy. A woman who is unafraid to be herself, whatever that means in each moment. A woman who is empowered. She takes graceful responsibility for everything she experiences, for she knows everything is of her own creation. She’s not afraid to be a beginner. She is unafraid to make mistakes. A woman who accepts herself as she is, and who does not question what she wants.
A wylde woman is any woman who is in alignment with her truth. I honor all you sisters, reading these words—for I know you are all magical, wylde, women.