It was 6.30am on a Friday morning as I head over to Tia’s house to catch up. The Velvet Underground playing as we walked through the front door. Tia jumped onto her bed offering a cup of tea and instantly picking up M Train by Patti Smith.

Like opening a door to the 70’s, the walls lined with fairy lights and plastered with posters of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Every corner of the room with something to catch your eye, from a collection of stacked suitcases to an old typewriter. Taking centre stage of the room, Tia’s vintage record player and record collection.

How old are you?
I write letters, I wear grandma underwear, I still use a typewriter to do my work and listen to records, I may seem 70 but I’m at the sweet youthful age of 17.

I guess it’s fair to say you are not like most other 17 year olds. Tell us about your upbringing?
Tough to say the least, a lot of the time growing up without a mother figure, learning to fall into my groove, develop and create my own decisions, instincts, morals and ideals, with the help of only myself learning to act.
Respect and growing into a woman was a bit different from others. From a young age I was always making books, collecting little tins and boxes to create miniature sanctuaries whether it was on my desk or my bed. It kept me sane. I’m so glad I grew up the way I did, I definitely wouldn’t be the beautiful odd sock I am today. And now here we are, you’re interviewing me.
Who is your favourite author/poet and your favourite quote?
PATTI SMITH. Wowowowow. Her whole body, mind and soul is walking poetry. I’ve never been so indulgent and mesmerised in anyones work before.
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars." - On the road – Jack Kerouac. Mm.

If you could have a tea party with 5 special guests who would you invite and why?
Patti smith (she could serenade me with her cover of within you without out to me ), Alexa Chung (share her wardrobe tips with me), Jane Birkin, Elvis and John Lennon..
Where did you get your record player and records from?
My father, my 14th or 15th birthday, bit blurry. I found a few records a few years before and became ultimately obsessed with the process of vinyl, the cleaning, flipping, choosing and dedicating yourself to a whole album because you know you have to get up and flip it. He surprised me with his refurbished 1979 model Hitachi made with a beautiful wooden base and silver and gold lining. Ive been collecting my own albums through op shops, records shops an the friendly groovers at JBHIFI!

Tell us more about your music, why does it sing to you and do you ever listen to any of the currents?
Music is so so healing and inspirational to me, as a writer you respect the lyrics, the meaning and the story that is hidden between every flickering sentence. A groove is a groove, I have to be in a good mood to care or really listen to mainstream music, an era before is what truly resonates within me.

Growing up isn’t easy, a lot of young girls can find themselves lost or unsure of what they want. How do you think this is effected in the current age of social media and gossip magazines?
Being exposed to the media as a young, insecure, vulnerable girl can be terrifying and seemingly destructive to some. These half naked, overly confident women flirting their super skinny bodies, promoting gym wear and bikinis is very, very intimidating.
Being exposed to so many openings and profiles that are the highlight reel, being a young girl its almost tiring, pumped with these images can be very destructive and I feel like this is the wrong message that these Instagram girls are sending.
I feel social media is and can be a positive thing in todays world giving the ability to globally transform opinions. It feels like we’re all in this girl gang fighting with each other for each other. We’re eerily connected watching everyone’s moves. I feel the endless bikini and cheap boutique clothing promotional photos are pointless, and almost ruthless and are only for the benefit of the person posting, as they most likely receive revenue off insecure girls feeling like if they wear the product they will feel more confident to be themselves. This is a damaging message, it should be used to benefit and spread words of kindness, inspiration, self love and the right confidence of self acceptance.
Everyone is always selling everyone their own brand. Social media lets the average girl hang around in someone else’s life for a while to hide from her own. But at the consequence comes images of skinny teas and whitening teeth products that are told to make a girl feel “beautiful”. I feel social media should be used for other things, and if promoting is happening, I believe supporting handmade and ethical/local brands will stop fast fashion and let us express ourselves with beautiful creations that are created by tired hands. Girls are flunked with ideals of what they’re meant to be and look like, they’re meant to look like the girl with heavy contrast and dark filters to make their tummies look thinner.
Personally, I want my Instagram to be a gang of confident men and women who are eager to inspire, get into old school things, writing letters, vinyl and really live life. I want these girls and guys to really do their own thing and have the confidence to share messages of compassion. I love supporting brands that I really care about. I connect with all the owners and really speak to them about what their brand means to them because I feel like I can really express me throughout with this understanding.

Who do you look up to?
I look up to myself for inspiration always before looking to exterior sources. Within me is the best place to search for inspiration. I feel like my following is strong because instead of using “I” I use “us”, so everyone feels equally accepted and the messages I send are almost globally personal.
What do you say to the bullies?
Fuck the bullies, they have there own insecurities that’s why they take all their anger out on the weak. Its unfair and they will look back and weep.
In a world quickly becoming over run by social media, what do you do to stay grounded?
Write. Music and Cj’s wisdom and guidance, he is god disguised in French 50’s workwear.

What would be your advice to young girls?
Do your work and work hard on your art or whatever you desire whatever it may be. If it’s shit, keep going, don’t chuck it. Store it. Weed will sometimes bloom. Do you. Really delve into your emotions and where they drag you, if you like something, don’t be afraid to say so, whether it be op shopping, sex, a feeling. Do you. Forget what the trends are, trends are for those who are too afraid to create their own mystical stylish jungle. Be strong in the way you carry yourself and stand up for the rights you believe in. Your passions and dreams is what truly matters.