Embrace Your WYLDE: Physical Vessel
As the Earth provides for us, so do our bodies.
Our physical vessels are extensions of the earth that we walk upon—expressions of nature as raw and beautiful as the trees and rivers it touches.
Many of us have become disconnected from this fact, and the sacredness of our own forms. We may start to forget what our body means to us, and what it is in relation to us.
We worry that when this body dies, it means an end to our selves. Or if we judge our bodies as “not good enough”, then this label must extend to our identity.
Our relationships to our bodies have become distorted as we forget who we are. That this body is not our Self, but the home that we live in.
When we remember who we are beyond our physical forms, we can begin to care for the vessel we are currently living in. We can learn to have gratitude for it just like we are grateful for our worldly homes.
Reclaiming this relationship with our bodies also brings an element of playfulness back into our experience. We can appreciate and play with the sensations of being in this body by embracing our wylde bodily expression in a variety of ways: dance, sexuality, exercise, art, nourishing food…the list goes on.
It is our birthright to be so present within our human life that we experience everything fully. Every touch, taste, sight, smell, and feeling. Everything.
All of this is done through the gift of our physical vessels. So, how do we reclaim the wylde nature of our own human bodies? Try out these practices below as an introduction to cultivating a healthy relationship with your vessel:
- Come home to your breath - Being aware of our breath brings us into the present moment and realigns our attention to the infinite presence of our true selves. We can use our breath to connect to our souls through our bodies, bringing our relationship with our physical vessels back into perspective as we practice.
- Bless your food - Before taking food into your body, take a moment to cultivate gratitude for your fuel. Bring your attention to all the steps that have allowed this food to come to your table, from the earth’s generosity to the human hands that have grown, harvested, and transported this abundance. That cycle connects your body with the earth and everything it grows.
- Delight in movement - Whether swimming, dancing, having sex or lifting weights, make your movement your meditation. Maintain awareness of every extension of your arms, the firing up of muscles in your legs, the quickening of your breath…come alive by fully stepping into your senses, the novelty of this bridge between your soul and the external world.
- Soul-gaze with yourself - Once a day, stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and do not look away. Relax into the presence you can perceive behind the colour and shape of your eyes, the life force and consciousness that is staring back through the glass. To deepen this practice, you can add in an affirmation while soul-gazing that reminds you of your true nature like the ones below:
- “I am love.”
- “This body is my home.”
- “I am the universe experiencing itself.”
You deserve to come back to yourself and cultivate the home you live within, beautiful being!
Wyldly Yours,
Sara Rose